Community Colleges: 3 Valuable Uses for Dynamic Digital Wayfinding

Community Colleges: 3 Valuable Uses for Dynamic Digital Wayfinding

Though community colleges may not be quite as intimidating as full-fledged, major universities, they’re still bustling, sprawling campuses in need of efficient systems. And as with any large facility, navigational systems are essential for operational efficiency and visitor satisfaction. With the ever-growing shift (and student preference) toward digital solutions, community colleges everywhere can derive tangible benefits from the implementation of digital wayfinding technology. Our team at Oppna Digital explains how below.

Students & Visitors Prefer Mobile Navigation

Colleges don’t just receive an influx of new students once per year; they welcome new pupils in the spring, summer, fall, and winter. And though those students might register at different times, they all have one thing in common: they need to navigate the sprawling campus.

But students aren’t the only ones frequenting community colleges across the country. Guest lecturers, adjunct professors, community leaders, and a wide variety of other professionals visit college campuses for everything from educational events and theatre shows to conferences and luncheons. And like new students, these community visitors must also find their way throughout the property. With a digital wayfinding solution from Oppna Digital, community colleges can:

●        Integrate interactive wayfinding with an existing mobile app or opt for a custom, turnkey app that better suits their needs

●        Allow students and visitors to custom-search key points of interest including amenities, departments and offices

●        Provide user-friendly interactive mapping and text-to-phone, turn-by-turn directions throughout the campus

●        Educate students and visitors on campus events and news

●        Help students locate library products by integrating with library software to share where to locate a book or reference material

●        Offer helpful information to assist students and visitors, including campus dining options, weather information, emergency updates, and more

Cater to a Mobile-Agile Student Population

Nearly 100% of college students now have access to a mobile device, and for most students, it’s on their person at all times. Community colleges can cater to this mobile-agile student population by integrating customized mobile applications with their digital wayfinding solution.

Because the technology is fully integrable with a variety of applications and platforms, students can access campus information via their phones, ultimately making the campus experience more personal and interactive. Visitors can also stay up-to-date with campus news and events simply by downloading and interacting with the mobile app.

For colleges, the ability to stay on top of content updates is critical. Through Oppna Digital’s easy-to-use, comprehensive content management system, distributing news and information becomes easier and more efficient than ever. 

Foster Student Engagement Via Technology

It’s no secret: we’re more addicted to our phones more than ever these days—but with the right technology, community colleges can benefit from that fact. Often, students engage with their digital communities more frequently than they engage in in-person interactions, and what do they use to stay connected? Mobile apps.

With a custom-built app, colleges can meet students on the channel of their choosing with information that’s relevant to their needs and interests. Engaged students not only make greater contributions to the campus community, but they’re also less likely to drop out. And with the national freshman dropout rate at a staggering 40%, campus engagement is a critical factor in increasing student retention.

Curious About Campus Wayfinding? Contact Oppna Digital Today

At Oppna Digital, we design, develop, implement, and manage full-service digital wayfinding solutions for college campuses, stadiums, retail outlets, and other large-scale facilities. If you’re interested in bringing your campus into the digital age with interactive solutions that improve operational efficiency and increase engagement, our team is here to bring your vision to life.

To learn more about our digital solutions and services, give us a call at 651-237-6577 or message us on our contact page. Ready to see what our technology can do? Go ahead and request your free demo online!

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