Losing the Travel Headache: How Digital Wayfinding Reduces Stress for Airline Travelers
Oppna Digital

Losing the Travel Headache: How Digital Wayfinding Reduces Stress for Airline Travelers

When it comes to stressful situations, air travel definitely ranks high. A typical flight day goes as follows. You spend all morning telling your spouse or yourself that you’ll be fine an hour early, and then you get there, and the line for security looks like the outside of an Apple store on new iPhone day. You start worrying, counting the minutes, and trying to play it cool even though you’re stressed. Not only do you have the immense security check line in front of you, but you also have to find your terminal, and those horizontal escalators can only help you get there so much faster. Unless you’ve made it a habit to arrive a few hours early for every flight you’ve ever taken, we’re willing to bet you can relate.

What if we told you a single solution could take all of that stress away (and it doesn’t require you to arrive at the airport earlier)? Imagine having a way to stay informed on potential wait times and find your plane all at once and through the same platform. This type of digital solution not only exists, but it’s changing the way airports across the country interact with visitors. With tools like interactive digital wayfinding and application integration, it’s possible to enhance the guest experience at airports of all sizes. Let's look more into just how these digital solutions could affect travelers’ stress levels.

Application Integrations

Many frequent fliers know what to expect when it comes to wait times based on season and their own familiarity with various airport facilities. But what about first timers? Or emergency travel situations? Pre-knowledge is one of the most powerful tools any traveler can have, and digital solutions can make it easy to provide.

One simple yet effective solution to providing pre-knowledge is a mobile app. Travelers download the app and instantly have the ability to check wait times and schedules from any location. The possibilities for integrations within an app like this are endless—and so are the benefits.

●        Provide constant updated wait times for security checkpoints

●        Alert travelers to potential slowdowns in their routes to the airport with mapping integrations

●        Send turn-by-turn wayfinding directions to reduce frustrations and improve traveler satisfaction

●        Gain insights into traveler volume and flow patterns

●        Integrate an FAQ section or help guide to assist travelers before, during, and after their flight.

●        Provide multiple languages to communicate with international travelers.

●        Highlight the availability of on-premises shops, restaurants, lounges, and other points of interest to motivate and increase passenger spending

This solution can ease travelers’ stress levels significantly, while also easing the burden of crushing security checkpoints (when people know how much time they actually have, along with the fastest way to get to their destination, it’s easier to minimize congestion). All this time saved means many travelers will spend more free time in the airport, leading to an increase in location sales and services.

For most of this to work smoothly, however, you’re going to want to consider an omni-channel provider like Oppna Digital. Having one source for your app as well as kiosk management is critical to success with such a large-scale integration.

Kiosk Interactivity

While we’ve proven how significantly a mobile app can ease travelers’ frustrations at an airport, not all travelers will want to use an app. In order to cater to those who prefer a more personalized experience, as well as an older demographic, you’ll want the ease of access and in-location guest experience offered by installed kiosks and digital signage.

Kiosks installed near entrances can not only list expected wait times, but also offer wayfinding services to help travelers save time after getting through security. These kiosks also offer the ability to display advertising, language options for non-native speakers, and even emergency service alerts. The “one stop shop” approach of kiosks can be a huge benefit to anyone looking to save time or reduce stress.

For today’s consumers, guest experience is everything. Airports that offer solutions that enhance the guest experience, such as digital wayfinding, digital signage, and application integrations, can expect to increase revenue, decrease congestion, and improve overall efficiency. If you’re interested in learning more about wayfinding solutions for airports, contact Oppna Digital. Our omni-channel solution allows travelers to locate the information they’re looking for in seconds and provides dynamic mapping options to help users navigate any size airport with ease. Additional features and functions can be incorporated into your solution to provide alerts, allow travelers to purchase tickets or view menus, display attention-grabbing ads, and much more. Check out our work and request a demo today!

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